Tuesday 20 December 2016

Music Video Feedback- Jake Wynne

Jake Wynne, a professional music video director, was able to give us feedback on our music videos which was amazing to receive as it helped us finalise our music videos. His criticisms and comments were invaluable to us during the final stages of this process because having someone, who has been successful in this industry, comment on our videos was incredible and a real help with our final feedback.

St. Dizier- Bang Bang: Nice framings, and interesting locations with a refreshingly different grade. However, the edit could have done with some more dynamics though to differentiate the build of the track.

Final Heidi- A good energy to the edit and a great use of the photographic technique which resolves nicely at the end of the video. Heidi's performance was consistently strong and her lip-sync was also good. It would have been nice to see a bit more this lip-sync through the video.

Love Now- Final draft: A great set up and concept with the first person perspective. Some really good  locations with amazing colours and vistas. Some more dynamics from the editing would have helped to drive this video along and give a better build to the day ending. It would have been nice to see a bit more of the lip-sync through the video.

Hypnotic Final Video- Really good use of the varying visual dynamics through different parts of the song. The edit picked out the changes in the music very well and the lip-syncing was especially strong. Good use of locations to give variety.

Rolling with Elephants- Great lip-sync, really tight with the editing and I really enjoyed the painted on digital effects. They worked especially well as outlines on the main performance.

I Don't Mind- Tori Lorente: A good filmic aesthetic to the video, with a nice use of colour. Some great framings and solid lip-sync throughout. A little more variety in the edit would have helped it build a bit more towards the end.

Final Video- Megan Thomas: A strong narrative thread that was well performed and consistent. The lip-syncing was very good and the emotion was conveyed very well. A good balance between the narrative and the lip-sync performance, with the cross cutting of both working well.

Ava Final Draft: Good use of varied locations and a strong narrative thread running through. Great lip-sync and a good balance between narrative and performance elements, resulting in a satisfying resolution.

Iuris- Something More: Innovative use of grading, and clever transition technique between shots. Strong lip-sync and some really interesting framing on the performance moments.

Ivory Final- Good strong editing, with clear definitions between verse and chorus. Interesting compositions and a clear filmic aesthetic. The lip-sync was especially good with a clear emotional drive and areas of light and shade.   

Avenue- Monday Morning (Final): A really clear beginning, middle and end. A well thought out video with endearing performances from the band with great lip-sync and fun energy. The comedy was well balanced and the view continued to develop as new scenes played out, helping to drive the story through.

Stay Draft 2: Once again, a lovely filmic aesthetic here, with very well composed shots pulling as much out of the environments as possible. The performances were well lip-synced, but at times I felt the emotions were not as clearly signposted.

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