Friday 16 September 2016

Banana Phone

For the last two weeks, our class has been working on a preliminary task which would test our ability to edit.
We were each given a group to work with and a set of tasks that we had to complete. These shots and task included: cloning, a tracking shot, a reverse shot, stop animation and a depth of field shot.
My group consisted of myself, Tilly Hawkins and Angel Duncil. As a group we worked very well together during the filming of our shots. Angel and Tilly took on the role of being in front of the camera where as I felt more comfortable behind the camera. We were able to get all of our shots done, to a very high standard which was comforting to know as we each had to edit our own version of 'Banana Phone' by the end of the next week and so wanted all of our shots to be just right.

What Went Well:
We worked very well as a group and got all of our shots done very quickly.
I was able to complete all of the editing tasks to a relatively high standard.
With time to spare I was even able to do other editing effects that were separate to the list we were given, showing my developing skills in editing. For example: the opening title shot took me quite a long time to do as it was difficult to layer the shots in order to make it work. However, after watching the tutorial several times and working for hours on it, I was finally able to have all eleven clips showing behind the letters of the title.

What Could Have Gone Better:
The footage that we filmed for the cloning effect could have been re shot if we had more time as, although we did not move the camera, the natural sunlight appears to change between two of the shots making it obvious that they are different which made the cloning nearly impossible to do professionally.
The stop animation shots could have been more focused which would have made the entire stop animation section more professional and more polished.

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