Wednesday 30 November 2016

First Draft

Here is the first complete draft of the music video for Ivory's debut single 'Like me':

Elements Tour Poster: First Draft

Shooting Schedule

Here is the shooting schedule for the filming of our music video 'Like Me':

Interior/ exterior
25th of September
Black dress
30th of September
Black/flowery dress
4th of October
Black jacket/top/jeans
9th of October 
South end 
Black jacket/top/jeans 
15th of October
Black dress
19th of October
Back of field, by pond
Black dress
23rd of October 
28th of October 
Black dress
2nd of November 
Black/flowery dress
6th of November 
Black jacket/top/jeans
10th of November 
South end 
Black jacket/top/jeans 
15th of November 
Black dress
18th of November 
Back of field, by pond
Black dress
22nd of November 
30th of November 
Black dress

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tour Poster Research

To help us promote our artist we will be going on tour around the UK, opening for an artist in a few small venues before heading out on our own for a couple of dates in February 2017.
In order to promote our tour we have to create a tour poster which will be posted on our website and around London. We decided to create two tour posters, one promoting Ivory and the artist she is opening for and one solely promoting Ivory and her Elements tour.

Above is our tour poster research in which we analyse the key features of a typical tour poster for a female, solo artist.

Here is the tour poster research we conducted to help us create an original and appropriate tour poster for Ivory's debut tour 'Elements':

Friday 25 November 2016

Shot List

Here is a detailed shot list, outlining every shot and location in our music video first draft.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

First Tour Poster

As our artist is a new, up and coming artist it is unrealistic to assume she would go on a sellout European tour performing in huge venues around the UK.
As a result of this we have decided to go on tour with the established indie artist Ladyhawke who is going on tour around the UK in February next year. Ivory will be opening for Ladyhawke at the start of her UK tour and so we have created a tour poster for Ivory's leg of Ladyhawke's UK tour.

Merchandise Shoot

oliviersarah28's merch shoot album on Photobucket

Aim for Today's Filming

Today will hopefully be our last day filming as we hope to film the remaining footage we need for our music video. We are going to predominantly film the singing shots needed for the chorus as well as a few long shots and cutaways.

Here is an example of one type of cutaway/transition that we are hoping to film today and feature in our music video.

This type of fast, whip motion is something we are hoping to recreate through both editing and filming techniques.
In this music video, these transitions are used to cut between the artist singing in different locations. They create a smooth and interesting transition which isn't too difficult for the audience to visually comprehend.

The full sequence of shots we are trying to recreate can be seen below:

We will set the camera up and have Ivory stand in one position, sing a line, quickly move the camera to the left and then re do until she has appeared in four different locations in a circle. This should hopefully, with a little editing, create the above effect which we will feature in our chorus.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Photo Evidence

Throughout this process we had to document our progress through photo evidence to show us working as a group. Here are some of the photos we took:

 The group listening to Tilly's presentation and making notes.
 Tilly presenting a music video song idea to the group.
Tilly and Connor working on presentations and research.


Here is the final storyboard for our music video 'Like Me':

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Weather Precautions

As we filmed the majority of our music video outside, one factor we had to constantly account for was the weather.

Monday 14 November 2016

First Draft: Magazine Cover

Here is the first draft of our magazine cover which features our artist, Ivory, on the front cover of the well known publication NME.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Halfway Evaluation Feedback

We received lots of feedback from different media groups which was extremely helpful as there was lots we needed to adjust  including our merchandise and our digipak.

Key Pieces of Feedback:
  • Some nice shots in the music video sneak peek
  • Our artist's image fits the genre and style of video we are trying to create
  • Good use of interesting locations which match your image
  • Good use of different social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
  • Nice, simple album cover with continuity of image from this to our music video
Needs Work:
  • Need to ensure their is continuity across all band products regarding the colour of the logo; must always be the same
  • Need to change up the framing of the shots to have more diversity
  • Album digipak needs some work and needs to be completed with less focus on images
  • The flowery dress that can be seen in the music video sneak peek doesn't really fit in with the other outfits or the artist's image as a whole
  • When the beat drops at the start of the chorus, the shot needs to clearly indicate this drop and the artist needs to start going crazy
  • The merchandise is too male-orientated and needs more diversity
  • In order to appeal to a younger demographic, a non-explicit version of the song needs to be released


Tuesday 8 November 2016

Halfway Evaluation and Feedback

Today we presented our halfway evaluation to our class and received their feedback on every element of our artist brand so far including the website, the name, the digipak, the merchandise and the music video itself.

Here is our halfway evaluation presentation:

Ivory Gifs

Here we have created a few different gifs which have been featured on our artist's social media platforms as teasers for our upcoming music video.

Music Video Sneak Peek

Here is a 45 second sneak peek into the beginnings of our music video: Gasoline.

Merchandise Updates and Website

One key piece of feedback that we received from our halfway evaluation was that our merchandise was too manly and wasn't very exciting. We really took this on board and quickly rectified the issue.

These are our original merchandise pieces which we were told were too male-orientated. The original pieces include tops, jumpers, and caps.

We took this feedback on board and made our merchandise more unisex. Our new pieces include a more diverse range of merchandise including tops, hoodies, posters, bags, caps and specific tour merchandise.
Furthermore, we have created a separate merchandise website which links to our original website so that fans can easily access Ivory's merchandise from her website homepage. This is an idea which we derived from information collected from our similar artist website research.

Here is our merchandise website which features all of our current merchandise pieces with different pieces being added regularly.

As you can see when you venture onto our official website, there is a active link to the 'Merch Store' which takes you directly to our merchandise website. 

One thing we considered extensively when making our merchandise website was continuity and synergy across band products. This was because during our halfway evaluation we received the feedback that our artist's image and colours were not presented consistently across all of our products including the website, the original merchandise and the video itself.
This is why we chose a neutral, professional colour scheme for our merchandise website; ensuring to incorporate the colours which feature throughout our website, digipak and artist's logo.

Colours such as white and light blue with black writing can be seen throughout our merchandise website.

Monday 7 November 2016

Further Website Research

When designing our website we studied and researched other solo female artist's websites to see what key features are present in all of their websites.
The three main artist's websites that we consistently drew inspiration from were: Lady Gaga's, Lorde's and Ellie Goulding's.

Key Features:

  • The artist's picture/image is the first thing you see on the website and is usually the home page background.
  • All of the websites are very minimalistic and simplistic which works well with the artist's image.
  • All promote the artist's current album or single on the home page.
Lady Gaga


Ellie Goulding

Digipak First Draft

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Music Video Analysis

Today I watched a really inventive and professional music video which has given me some great ideas for our music video.

Tori Kelly- Hollow

The thing that stands out to me when watching this music video is the quick and smooth transitions that link the music video together.
I particularly like this way of cutting a music video together because it is different and not your run of the mill editing technique which creates an element of excitement when watching it. Not only that but after watching this simple but creative music video I have been given new ideas for our own music video and how to edit it together so that it stands out.

It was these types of shot transitions that gave us the idea to change up our current editing technique to something more exciting.