Thursday 23 June 2016

Audience- why and how do you consume music?

I listen to music pretty much whenever I can but I typically listen to music when I'm getting ready in the morning or to go out, when on the bus to school and when I'm with friends.
The music I listen to varies on the time of day, for example: if i'm getting ready for a party or to go out I will listen to more upbeat music like 90s club classics and dance music but when I'm on the bus I will just listen to my playlist or whatever genre of music I feel I want to listen to at that time. 

I listen to music in my bedroom and on the bus predominantly but when I'm with friends we will just blast the music out and sing along. I enjoy going to festivals and concerts with friends as I believe there is nothing better than live music and the atmosphere that goes with watching someone you love perform live.

Who with?
I listen to music by myself and with friends depending on the type of music and the situation. Sometimes I just want to listen to music by myself as a way of escaping but other times I want to dance and sing along to the songs my friends and I used to listen to when we were younger. To me there is nothing better than finding someone or a group of people that like the same music as you and that you can share new music you have found with.

I listen to music via streaming sites like Spotify which are great because every song that you may want to listen to is at your fingertips, ready and accessible whenever you want to listen to them. For example, just the other day I was on the bus and I had the sudden urge to listen to Jennifer Hudson and because of applications like Spotify I was listening to Spotlight in no time.
I also have songs on my phone that I know I will always want to listen to which is great because if I have no internet connection I always have those songs and albums available to me. Albums by people like Beyonce and Michael Jackson I know I will love and enjoy forever and so they have a permanent place in my music library.

Music has always been really importune to me, ever since I was a kid. I have always looked up to people like Beyonce and strived to be just as successful and strong as they are in whatever I do. Beyonce's strength and beauty has always empowered me to be strong and to keep on fighting, which I get sounds strange because I've never met her but the way she conducts herself in public and the messages she puts across through her music is so powerful and is so identifiable and relatable to all of her fans around the world.
Not only that but music has the power to change things which is something people seem to have forgotten over the years. One song can define an age or a whole movement. Thriller was so powerful and phenomenal at the time that it kickstarted a whole new style of music videos and songs like Blowin' in the Wind by Bob Dylan were so moving during the 1960s as they campaigned for peace during a time of war.

Personal Identification: The mood I'm in affects the music that I listen to because music is so expressive and can fit perfectly with what I'm trying to say or how I feel. Whenever I'm angry or frustrated I'll leave my house, take a walk and listen to rap music like Kanye West's Black Skinhead because it is so passionate and angry that it can mimic my anger so effortlessly.
Information: Sometimes songs can actually help you learn a topic or new words. For me, I learnt a lot about Alexander Hamilton through the soundtrack to the musical Hamilton.
Social Interaction: When my friends and I are together we often listen to music from when we were growing up (90s and 00s) and so that era of music joins us together. For example, whenever we are at a party or together, songs like No Scrubs by TLC get us all together because we have a dance routine to it and know the song off by heart.
Mood Music: Whenever I'm getting ready, 90s club classics are always my go to genre of music because they get me excited and make me get ready faster which is always a good thing as I am usually the last person ready.

1 comment:

  1. Where's the entertainment aspect of uses and grats? What songs entertain you the most?
