Saturday 18 June 2016

Dry The River- No Rest

Today in class, we listened to a song and were asked to close our eyes and envision what the accompanying music video would look like and what would happen. This task was extremely useful and interesting as it made us think about narrative, performance and concept music videos as well as the importance of having a music video that matches the lyrics and meaning of the song itself.

The first task we were given was to listen to the song and each come up with ideas of how we think the music video to this song would go and what it would include. As a class we came up with some different ideas but most of chose a narrative music video with elements of performance rather than solely performance.
When I first heard the song I could imagine a man standing on a city street, surrounded by lots of people. He would be standing alone but be surrounded by hundreds of people, all of which are moving in high speed compared to his stillness. This would be the performance element of the music video with a narrative being shown simultaneously, the focus of the video switching repeatedly from the narrative to the performance.

Other ideas that the class came up with were:
- A narrative music video that follows an abusive/dysfunctional relationship between a man and a women. This would be predominantly set in a rundown motel, giving a gritty feel to the video and the song.
- A band performing the song in real time, with instruments etc. The camera would begin focusing on them, and then slow build up as the song progressed. When the chorus begins, the band would start to get dust, paint or confetti etc. thrown over them as they sing and the song builds to a climax.

We were then given the lyrics and told to write any ideas that came into our head after seeing the lyrics and hearing the song again.
After reading the lyrics, analysing and interpreting them, I began to realise that the song is much darker than I had previously thought. This made me rethink my idea for the music video. I decided that the performance element in the city did not really fit the lyrics or the meaning of the song so instead I came up with the idea of a narrative/performance music video that followed the story of an older man as he walks through his life and remembers the love of his life. You would be watching him, watching his life pass by like a movie; the most memorable moments of his life being highlighted. The music video would end with him walking into a graveyard and looking down at the grave of his wife as the camera pans to his younger self singing the song.

Finally, after hearing the song, seeing the lyrics and coming up with our own ideas, we were shown the actual music video for the song 'No Rest' by the band Dry the River.
The music video to the song is interesting and visually stunning, working perfectly with the song as it is both subtle and understated just like the song itself.
After having come up with our own visuals to match the song we were shocked to see such a simple music video but after having watched it, we realised why it works for the song and why the band came up with the idea.

This task was extremely useful it helped me realise the importance of every element when devising a music video. It was especially useful in helping me realise that when making a music video its not just about the ideas you have when you hear the song but its about analysing the lyrics and the meaning of the song itself so you can make a poignant and interesting music video that references the lyrics and brings the song, and the lyrics, to life.

                                                             "No Rest" 

I used to be a king alone
Like Solomon or Rehoboam
And in the eaves, the Corvidae
Did jealous keep my picture frames
And everything did oxidate in place.

But then you came, a single cell
With astrolabe and carousel
And algebra and symmetry
And none of this was lost on me
And I could see how still I’d been before

If I don’t eat, I don’t sleep at all
Like limbs in procession,
Like so many birds
Stampeding like oxen,
Our hearts are a herd

I loved you in the best
I loved you in the best way possible
I loved you in the best

Did you see the light in my heart?
Did you see the sweat on my brow?
Did you see the fear in my heart?
Did you see me bleeding out?

I loved you in the best
I loved you in the best way possible
I loved you in the best way possible
I loved you in the best way possible
I loved you in the best…

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